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Meet Max Ashton

For his 13th birthday, Max Ashton set himself two challenges: to become the youngest blind person to climb Kilimanjaro, and to raise money for a charity that helps others with visual deficiencies.

After a whole year of training, Max braved fatigue and icy temperatures to summit the highest peak in Africa, helping to raise $250,000 for the Foundation for Blind Children. To recognize his commitment to protecting others, Max was awarded an AXA Achievement scholarship to the University of his Choice.

NIGEL S. ROBERTS, Mt Kilimanjaro, 1959

NIGEL S. ROBERTS, Mt Kilimanjaro, 1959

It was early afternoon on Monday, 9 December 1985, when I arrived at the Mandara Huts on Mt Kilimanjaro. It was my second attempt to climb the mountain. I was hot, hungry and tired. I hadn't had any lunch, but a cup of extremely sweet black tea revived me. A Lutheran missionary from Germany and his wife came into the clearing, and sat down beside me. They were living in Tanzania and weren't setting out to climb Mt Kilimanjaro. They had walked up to Mandara for an overnight stay before heading back down to the plains (and work commitments) below.