Mr Jim Justus Nyamu





























How ironic is that, that Jim Justus Nyamu and his determined team come across in their campaign, at Mrs Geoffrey Manor’s residence in Liddington, Swindon the cast of an Elephant that used to live in Namibia,that is of a Hoarusib Bull Elephant.

This is what this campaign is all about “Ivory Belongs to Elephant” this movement is to bring awareness and it is this precise message that is being foretold by Jim Justus Nyamu and by his dedicated team, about this wretched desolate demise situation in devastation of these wild Elephants alarmingly reducing and this is of such pinnacle implication that we are all trying to avoid, through a mammoth action in sending a messages out there by Mr Jim Justus Nyamu and his dedicated team.


Ivory Belongs To Elephants

MTM Awards Chosen Cause for 2017

The Great London to Bristol Ivory Belongs to Elephants Walk
London to Bristol 3rd – 12th December 2017

Jim Justus Nyamu is bringing his message ‘Ivory Belongs to Elephants ‘ to the UK in December.
Not heard of him?
Jim Justus Nyamu is the founder of the Elephant Neighbor Center in Kenya and has been walking for elephants since 2013. In that time he has walked 10,457 km across Africa and the USA.  This UK walk will be his second walk outside of Africa.


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 Ivory Belongs to Elephants Marsabit Walk

08th April –to 06th May 2017


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The Queen of Trees - official

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